I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at Columbia University, advised by Zhou Yu and Smaranda Muresan. My research primarily revolves around Natural Language Processing (NLP).
My research interests are broadly in the areas of human-centered natural language processing, computational social science, and alignment. To this end, I develop algorithmic tools to answer socially impactful questions about psycho-social & structural human behavior from what people say and do, and work to make language technologies better and more interpretable through advances in mechanistic interpretability, model steering, and user modeling.
My research is supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. I've previously interned at Google Research, Microsoft Semantic Machines, Amazon AWS AI, Microsoft Research, NASA Earth Sciences, Azure IoT, and at the University of Michigan (NSF REU). At Michigan, where I received my undergraduate degree, I had the fortune of working with David Jurgens, Joyce Chai, and Arunesh Sinha.
Email: skywang [AT] cs.columbia.edu
Office(s): Milstein 911A / Schapiro CEPSR 7LE5